
Informational website
To promote the profession of systems analyst

Why this site is important

If you are looking to make a change, now is the time to take action.  This site helps both teams involved in the change journey: those who are looking to adopt change, as well as those who will lead or will manage the change. Change is essential when introducing, developing, or implementing a new system or improving the way you manage your business. Whether its through computerization, streamlining your process, or digitalization, change is often neccessary to achieve success.  To begin thinking about change, start by having your team answer the following three crucial questions:

Ø  What we want?

Ø  Do we need what we want?

Ø  How we achieve what we need?

Guidance and a guide are necessary to obtain proper answers to these questions. The systems analyst serves as your guide for the  journey of change. They are the facilitator, problem solver, social integrator, business improvement consultant, and leader of change. They analyze your systems and help you manage change by providing plan and methodology.  Many Universities and academic institutions offer programs to train professionals and specialists for these types of jobs. The systems analysts are the heroes of change and we dedicate this site to them. The figures on the left side provide different views of types of change and highlight the most challenging part of this journey, the transition phase.

Recent Posts


Introduction to Systems Analysis

This course emphasize the basics of what the analysts does and how should he handles the management problems in organizations. It covers: 1. How to represent the organization as a system 2. Systems and system concepts 3. System development Life cycle 4. Roles of systems analyst

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Introduction to Systems Analysis (in English)

This lecture gives a summarized view for number of systems analysis lectures introduced to analyst trainees in number of organizations. These lectures stressed the importance of selecting the proper methodology and emphasized the systemic approach in dealing with system problems.

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The Bulletin

25th of january

This issue discusses the Egyptian revolution and the reaction of the Egyptian youth factions after they got out to the streets of Cairo calling for changing Mubarak regime. These movements became very large on the 28th of the same month, and then people came out in unprecedented numbers in the fo

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We provide Innovation Consultancy: We offer Innovation Consultancy in various fields of business and can help you and your employees in raising the caliber of your problem-solving skills and capabilities. With our wealth of knowledge and experiences, as displayed on this site, we feel that we are un

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