Systems Analyst:
The ability to analyze problems is always considered to be an essential part of manager qualifications. But this statement raises the following questions:
1. Can any manager analyze and solve any problem?
2. Should the manager be able to make the analysis himself and also take the decision for solution? or instead,
3. Should he utilize and use the qualified human resources in his organization to this task? And this how we get to the profession of Systems Analyst or the prfession of solving problems in the organization
Some managers feel that they do not need a specialized person in analysis because we all know how to do analysis. Some times we hear statements like we use common sense to solve problems Some other time we hear do not complicate things, it is a simple problem, and later when you hear we solve this problem before then you know that people have to change their perceptions about problems and problem solving approach.
Common sense and logical approach may work once, but not all the times. Also, when you simplify the problem you will get the solution for that (simplified) version of the problem and not to the original problem.
Functions of systems analyst with the development of information technology has evolved, definition classic for this community of professionals is that they are those who are able to understand the nature of the problems related to work systems, no matter how diversified and branched out, and at the same time familiar well conversant with computers and applications systems, and an excellent theoretical and practical methodologies used in the familiar analysis and Design system Science. Thus, each of them can study the problem to interact with managers and users to determine the nature of the problem and the actual needs that are commensurate with the goals of the system then converts these needs into requirements and then to the specifications can be converted into programs and applications of computers lead to the selection of appropriate technologies to achieve a solution and implementation by employing hardware and peripherals this combination of lead in the end to a radical solution to solve the problem and raise the performance and efficiency of business in the organization.
The Profession:
The responsibility of the analysis, design and implementation of information management ystem in the enterprise in a way to satisfy its actual needs and to achieve the efficiency and effectiveness of production processes and services is carried out by the systems analysts of the corporate. However, with these advances in the concepts of information, knowledge, and communication, and with the emergence of what is now known as the culture of the Internet technology, his role becomes now indispensable. Now we may not be wrong if we consider that it will be impossible to achieve any real change in management systems without this job, and it becomes a must for all organizations to institutionalize and adopt an integrated training and qualification program to generate systems analysts, at least in each department and division. This program should graduate persons to become the nucleus of change and emitter of thinking drives, and scientific organizer in each section.
Engineering problems require qualified engineers, economics problems need economist, medical and health related problems require physicians, and so on. So a manager in a multidisciplinary organization has to digest all these knowledge coming from those specialized people before formalizing one solution. Then if the manager works in a healthy, mature, and a well established organization with a knowledge base resources his task will be much easier than a manager working in organization without any of the previous properties. Added to the complex tasks of managers comes the management of change imposed by the pattern of competition dictated by the current status of the market.
In our societies as we need to move into a process of a continuous change management it will be impossible for our managers to deal with all these new and challenging tasks. A person equipped with problems solving skills and analysis tools will be very helpful for our managers.
Systems Analyst and Computer Applications:
When analyst comes to the design stage he should be able to transform the logical model of the solution to an archeteture design. Here should be able to build the solution by dividing it into stages, steps, and procedures which uses multiple techniques such as structured analysis, data modeling, information engineering, mathematical modeling and simulation, and then use the sample analysis, financial analysis and planning systems to manage the project. It is also the characterization of inputs required for the system design and processing steps with determining the form of output that are in line with user needs with its different levels. And even helps managers and decision-makers to determine the economic feasibility of the solution. he should be able to performs cost-benefit studies and return on investment in a scientific way that allows them to take appropriate economic decisions and to choose the solution and identify implementation strategies. With the selection of the solution systems analyst will be responsible for the selection of hardware and peripherals with the appropriate computing applications. To ensure the required performance after the construction of the testing procedures and help in set up training manuals for the users. During the stage of development the systems analyst focuses We need a different structure with different way of thinking. We believe that a team of analyst within each organization is now essentially needed in all fields.
Systems Analyst Different Names and Jobs:
Business Area Analyst:
Job description useful for Human Resource Department
Samples of career openings:
Read about the classification of this family of jobs:
Analysts Career and Jobs:
Systems analyst can work on a varity of jobs and not limited to specific specialization or field of study. Engineers, lawyers, physicians, social workers and all other can be a successful analysts. The following gives samples of job which new analysts have to carry.
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Sites for employers searching for analysts
If you seek training in the fields of Systems and Analysis this site can help by locating suitable places for you.
Books &Magazines:
Looking for books and magazines about Systems and Analysis? Look ate System Analysis and Design:
System analysis and design are concerned with the investigation of an organization and the design and implementation of a computerized solution to that organization needs. To analyze a system is to identify its components (devices, people, rules and procedures) and their interrelationships in order to determine its objectives, requirements, and priorities. The analyst must find ways of representing organization as a whole system, taking into consideration any economic behavioral and technical constraints. To know more about systems analyst job from the internet click here. and visit the international institute of business analysis(IIBa).