In information systems, Analysis Process is carried out in various phases of systems development and across all methodologies. It is used at early phases in requirements definitions as requirements analysis, then in business analysis as business area analysis. In feasibility analysis we carry cost benefit analysis and payback analysis, and also in risk analysis. In examining the system functions we concentrate on system processes and conduct a thorough process analysis and data analysis through Data Flow Analysis and Object analysis. When we deal with social systems which characterized by its soft problems, stake holders analysis becomes an essential step in identifying all those who deal with the system, and by following CATEO analysis as outlined by Soft Systems methodology. Also, at some stage Casual Loop analysis may help in defining the interacting feedback loops within the system. These feedback loops are also used to synthesize system behavior and to test its expected performance to make sure that our design for the solution will be satisfactory . Trying to synthesis system structure side by side with each phase of systems development and during the analysis process will guarantee the building of a successful system. Also, the analysis process needs to utilize different types of tools and models as it applied in various fields and applications. Models are used for two purposes: the first is to help in simplify the analysis procedures as the analysis goes deeper into the problem, and the second it offers means to visualize the analysis process itself through its stages with its destination or results.
In Analysis we take the system apart to understand how the system works the way it does, but most of the time we cannot look to all parts and we are forced to reduce it into a manageable numbers. If we need to diagnose a system and to know why it works the way it deos, we need to look from a larger prospective from which which it work within, or it belong to. This is called sysnthesis