SSM is a general methodology suitable for soft systems or ill-conditioned system or situation which mostly found in Human Activity Systems HAS. It was developed by Peter Checkland through more than 200 rojects as he tried to apply the ideas of hard system thinking and engineering project to soft problems. SSM methodology, which formalized in 1981, emphasizes the total system approach in solving problems or describes situations by considering all stakeholders and their interacting elements. Checkland represented those stake holders as CATWOE as an abbreviation for Customer, Actor, Transformation, World view, Owner, and Environment. The methodology spread in various application since its introduction. Now it is integrated with other methodologies specially those who do not cover the early stages of development as SSADM or OOSADM. TUM proposed by the author adopts this methodology for problem definition and the development of conceptual moel. This link will direct you to SSM integration with SSADM. Computing.