Fact, event, transaction, or thing happens, exists in life, and collected by measurement or observation is an element of Data. When this data element is recorded or stored it is described by two terms name and value. A circle is defined by its name or type and its radius whether measured or not, same as a line has length or dimension.
Information is a processed data through manipulation, rearrangement, or reorganization, or grouping to give meaning to its recipient. Then, information is a collection of data in a form that provides its recipient with relevant meaning, value, or knowledge, and any collection of data that does not satisfy this objective is not information and becomes noise
It is the ability to use informed methods of processing knowledge and information bases from the temporal perspective of past, present and future events in a way that achieves the integration of knowledge generated by the different parts of the institution (Klinistra, 1988). And when we have wisdom (which the institution rarely reaches), we can, by linking the events of the past and the indicators and events of the present, extrapolate the indicators of future events. Thus, the use of advanced computer technology in building integrated knowledge bases with the development of complex models for extrapolation and prediction make us deal with todays events with the thought of tomorrow.